Hillside Community Primary School

Together we can shine

Religious Education

At Hillside, we intend for learners to know more about religious and non-religious worldviews, so that our pupils can make sense of the complex world in which they live and are well prepared for life in our increasingly diverse community. We want our learners to respect religious and cultural differences and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society. Through the lens of RE education, we provide specific opportunities for learners to consider their own personal backgrounds and influences, and how these have shaped their perspectives.

Our Religious Education curriculum provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. Pupils learn to weigh up the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express insights in response, and to agree or disagree respectfully.

If they wish, parents may request that a pupil should be wholly or partly excused from receiving any religious education.  Parents considering withdrawal should contact the head teacher to arrange a discussion.

RE News

Spring 2024

Year 2 have been retelling the story of ‘the Night Journey’ as they explore why Muslims believe it is important to obey God.

Christingle 2023

Well done to our KS2 children, who learned about the symbolism of the Christingle, whilst making their own Christingle candles.

KS1 Nativity 2023

Well done to our KS1 children on a fantastic nativity performance this year. Your singing blew us all away! 

Nativity Pebble Art 

Exploring Diwali

Our Reception class have once again been exploring Hindu religious traditions, learning all about how Hindu families celebrate Diwali - the festival of lights. They made Diwali decorations, diya lamps and rangoli patterns. Well done Reception!

Harvest Assembly 2023

Well done to Year 3, who led our Harvest assembly this week. 

Harvest Collection 2023

A big thank you to our wonderful families and staff for all of the generous donations to our school Harvest Festival this year. This is just a snippet of what we received. In school, we enjoy observing the changing of the seasons. Giving thanks for a successful harvest is not only an important part of this learning, but sharing what we have with others is a value that we are so proud to see every day in our children. The Birchwood Centre, who do such amazing work to reach out and support local families, gratefully received all your donations.

Our Wonderful World

Year 1 have been thinking about why people of different faiths might see the world as a wonderful, special place and might want to take care of it. Inspired by the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy and to remind themselves of our wonderful world, the children then created their own beautiful artwork out of natural objects taken from our environment.