Hillside Community Primary School

Together we can shine

Please read our Online Safety Policies within the Statutory Information section for more information > POLICIES

The online world offers amazing opportunities but also brings elements of potential risk and, for Parents & Carers, making sense of the online world can appear to be an enormous challenge. 

Unlike previous generations, the online environment is an integral part of children’s lives and therefore we can no longer consider their wellbeing or safety without also considering their relationship to technology. 

However, staying safe online is fundamentally about behaviours rather than the technology itself and if approached from this perspective, we can begin to gain confidence to support our children. 



The illustration below provides some useful tips for Parents and Carers when discussing the online environment with children. 

National Online Safety produces excellent guides for parents...here are a few for relevant online safety curriculum areas.

National Online Safety guides for parents...please hover on the link to view the content and click to download.

 Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement EYFS.docxDownload
 Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement KS1.docxDownload
 Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement KS2.docxDownload
 Staff and Volunteer Acceptable Use Policy Agreement.docxDownload
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